Bob Cornelissen, 9 times Microsoft MVP for his community work in the Systems Center space and Managing Consultant at TopQore, shows us how SCOM’s reporting capabilities work, how to use them and what they are capable of with no extra tools. He shares some strategies for approaching SCOM alert tuning, along with some really useful tools that can make administering SCOM overrides easier. These include SCOM’s native “data volume by MP” weekly report that highlights which MPs send the most alerts and what to tune, MP viewer that allows you to see exactly what each MP does, Override Explorer which allows you bulk-set overrides and move them between MPs and, Easy Tune which allows you to tune a whole MP in a few clicks from simple spreadsheets.
Finally, Bob shows us SCOM’s native auditing capabilities introduced in SCOM 2019 UR2, and talked about what to expect in UR3.